A Journey to Earth’s Satellite

Exhibit Design

Art Direction


Exhibit Design ✻ Art Direction ✻ Advertising ✻


Experience the Moon like never before.

Just over 50 years ago, the last manned Apollo mission landed on the moon. Since then, NASA has developed a set of twin missions, the Artemis program, set to bring humans back to the Lunar surface as early at 2025. The Lunex exhibit brings the experience of the Moon landing to the masses, delivering a chance to explore something otherworldly without ever leaving the ground. 

  • Stationed in the Air and Space museum in Washington D.C., the exhibit exists in a world of aerospace enthusiasts. The heart of Lunex lies in combining the past and future of space travel with the dynamism of the Moon landing experience. The visual identity speaks to a fast moving future, while subtly referencing the rich history of NASA’s Apollo missions.

  • Art direction




    Exhibit model construction


    Image manipulation

    Branded collateral materials

    Prototyped model

Mission Briefing

Welcome to Lunex! Grab your Commander’s Guide and prepare for liftoff!

Touching down

Welcome to the surface! Take a look around at the landing module.

Walk like an astronaut

Step in the footprints left by other astronauts and leave your own, experience zero gravity, and collect lunar rock samples.

Before you go

Use all of your senses to fully experience the lunar atmosphere, then you’re Earth-bound.

Astronaut recruitment

Because the exhibit acts as a moon landing mission, the visitors act as the astronauts, crew, and commanders. These advertisements play off of the immediately recognizable Uncle Sam “I want you” ads, and flip them to be about astronaut recruitment rather than joining the army. This strategy employs cultural recognition and humor that results from inversion of expectation.


Bug Buddy // Branding


Captain Q and the Sea of Questions // Publication