Bug Buddy
Backyard Insect Explorer
Art Direction
Branding ~ Art Direction ~ Advertising ~
Bug Buddy
Bugs don’t bug me!
Our world is full of wonderful creatures, big and small. So many different beings live in our backyards, and Bug Buddy: Backyard Insect Explorer bridges the gap between children and the tiny ecosystems right outside their homes. The heart of Bug Buddy lies in education, entertainment, and engagement.
Bug Buddy’s main objective is to provide a multitude of engaging educational materials to elementary school children to encourage a connection with their environment. By using both physical and digital media outlets, the junior explorers can investigate bugs at home and on the go, bringing education everywhere.
Art direction
Brand development
Logo treatment
Bug Buddy utilizes a hands-on approach to learning that encourages children to safely interact with their environments.
Bug Buddy goes wherever you go! The app adapts to your location and responds to the local ecosystem.
With a multitude of learning platforms both physical and digital, Bug Buddy goes above and beyond to engage children.
From hands-on exploration to in-app games, Bug Buddy works to entertain while it educates.
On the go
With the Bug Buddy app, you can explore wherever you are! At home, during a roadtrip, or on vacation, Bug Buddy adapts to your location and gives you geographically responsive information to keep the adventure going.